Strategy Call
If You Want to Move Faster, Then See What’s In a 15min Strategy Session...
If you own a business and want it to make it easier to run and more profitable, then you could be just a few strategies away from more money, more freedom and more growth...
In this fast-paced, 15-minute session, we will...
Assess your current situation to see what is and isn’t working
Uncover the #1 bottleneck restricting your growth and holding you back
Identify what’s realistic to get done in the next 90 days
Come up with a 3-step GAME PLAN to get you moving into the results you want for your business ASAP
Booking this call is for Business Owners who want to play a bigger game, fast-track their results build a team they can rely on...
Hear how Mary went from $10K a month in profits to $25K in just 6 months (she'd owned her business 8 years)

Hear from Dave who worked on 2 key strategies that lead to a 300% improvement to his bottom line profits

Hear how Allan went from stress and almost tears to a business that now works without him being there

Let's Meet to see how I help.
I love working with business owners like you to attract more of your best buyers, get cash-flow on track, to boost your income and to build your dream-team so your business is easier to operate, and you get the rewards you deserve...
I’ve been self-employed across various businesses across three different industries. Some businesses went well, others not so much. I want to bring all I experienced and learned to my clients and their companies.
I’ve worked with a huge variety of business owners in so many fields to build their Ideal Businesses; it’s boosted their bottom line, it’s helped them build teams they can rely on and it’s brought in consistent workflow from smarter sales and marketing tactics. I love helping other business owners to succeed… it’s what I do best.

Move Faster
Great! An email with all the details will arrive in your inbox shortly.
If you'd like to build your Ideal Business even faster, watch this 2 minute video now.
Next Step
If You Want to Move Faster, Then See What’s In a 15min Strategy Session...
If you own a business and want it to make it easier to run and more profitable, then you could be just a few strategies away from more money, more freedom and more growth...
In this fast-paced, 15-minute session, we will...
Assess your current situation to see what is and isn’t working
Uncover the #1 bottleneck restricting your growth and holding you back
Identify what’s realistic to get done in the next 90 days
Come up with a 3-step GAME PLAN to get you moving into the results you want for your business ASAP
Booking this call is for Business Owners who want to play a bigger game, fast-track their results build a team they can rely on...
Hear how Mary went from $10K a month in profits to $25K in just 6 months (she'd owned her business 8 years)

Hear from Dave who worked on 2 key strategies that lead to a 300% improvement to his bottom line profits

Hear how Allan went from stress and almost tears to a business that now works without him being there

Meet Tony.
I'm on a mission to help business owners attract more of your best buyers, get cash-flow on rails to boost your income and to build your dream-team so your business is easier to operate...
I’ve made a lot of people very wealthy from my corporate days leveraging off my background in finance and marketing. Eventually I realised that I wanted to share my tactics to help local business owners achieve their business goals.
Fast forward to now… I’ve worked with a huge variety of business owners to build their Ideal Businesses; it’s boosted their bottom line, it’s helped them build teams they can rely on and it’s brought in consistent workflow from smarter sales and marketing tactics. I love helping other business owners to succeed… it’s what I do best.

Ideal Business Program
The Ideal Business Program
The Ideal Business Program is the fastest way to grow your business using best-practise systems with easy to use templates and processes...
The 4 Foundations below will deliver the income, freedom and scale that you're looking for from your business...
It’s like an MBA for business owners using your business as the case study. All content has been field tested over a decade and represents the best method of getting fast, tangible and bankable results for business owners. No matter how large or small the business, the owner will benefit and learn from the curriculum.
The Curriculum
Sharpen Your Margins
[How to Make Profit]
Fortnightly sessions with exercises that include templates that fit immediately into your current financial systems
The Process:
- Optimising your pricing and costing systems to improve your gross profit margin
- Maximising your cashflow using the 7 methods that bring in the fastest cash
- Understanding how to run your business for performance with basic financial data
The Outcome:
Your business will increase the amount of money you make on every transaction.
The 5 Sessions:

Scale Your Talent
[How to Manage People]
Everything you need to turn ‘ok’ or ‘flat’ performers into self-motivated and collaborative team members with templates that fit immediately into current management practises
The Process:
- Building team motivation using a 4-step engagement process that boosts productivity
- Establishing performance management with scoreboards for monitoring your team
- Templating with the 9 attraction tools that produce an ideal work environment & culture
The Outcome:
Your business will have systems to recruit, retain and get high performance from your people.
The 5 Sessions:

Master Your Marketing
[How to Generate Leads]
Fortnightly sessions with exercises that include templates to develop campaigns that fit immediately into your current marketing activities
The Process:
- Utilising your networks so your clients and contacts generate referral leads for you
- Positioning your uniqueness and developing marketing collateral for campaigns
- Generating high quality leads from your online marketing and social platforms
The Outcome:
Your business will have a reliable marketing strategy that produces high quality leads that add to your current client base.
The 5 Sessions:

Upsize Your Sales
[How to Increase Sales]
Fortnightly sessions that include templates to give you a sales process that produces higher conversion rates and transaction values with more repeat purchases
The Process:
- Building a sales pipeline with techniques that remove the focus on price
- Developing your influence skills to convert clients into higher value transactions
- Handling objections and overcoming resistance with simple to use scripts
The Outcome:
Your business will increase its sales revenue from having a reliable method to covert more enquiries at higher transaction values with new and existing customers/clients.
The 5 Sessions:

Quarterly Planning Sessions
Each of the Four Foundations (in the above curriculum) is launched with a Quarterly Planning Session.
There are four sessions (quarterly ☺) per annum each with a different theme. All planning sessions feature the signature 1-Page Plan that lists out 3 core projects for the upcoming quarter and a scoreboard for monitoring results over the period being planned for.

Quarter 1:
The Launch Plan
Clients reflect on the year and put together a plan to make the new year their best yet. They will set goals for their business for income, freedom (time away from their business) and the scale they want to achieve. In this planning session there’s a particular focus on the business owner and their personal performance to ensure they have a plan for the role they have in leading others. This process leads into the completion of the 1-Page Plan.

Quarter 2:
The Scale Plan
Clients reflect on the previous quarter acknowledging wins and challenges. In this planning session the focus is on trouble-shooting key bottlenecks that can slow the growth of business development. This process enables all parts of the business to be evaluated for their performance. Goals are then completed around these projects before completion of the 1-Page Plan.

Quarter 3:
The Anti Plan
This session extends the focus on strategy to address the required shifts in attitude that produces new levels of success. Exercises allow the business owner to consider the environment they create for their team, the time they are committing to projects that have longer-term payoffs and the hurdles that slow down implementation of their plan. Goals are then completed around these projects before completion of the 1-Page Plan.

Quarter 4:
The Escape Plan
This session addresses the end-of-year period when many business owners will be looking to take a break away (hence “The Escape Plan”). Exercises and templates in this session put in place the people and system requirements in their business to allow the business owner to be absent from their business. The focus is on being able to take a break without the usual “checking in” calls that disrupt so many holidays. Goals are then completed around these projects before completion of the 1-Page Plan.
Get in touch for more details...
Who I am
Your Local Advisor
About me.
I work with business owners to achieve their ideal business faster in a structured, practical way.
Using my 20+ years’ experience in small and medium businesses, along with the Trusted Advisor Network systems, I help implement achievable, realistic targets and milestones to get the business owner to achieve increased income, more freedom and larger scale.
Having been self-employed for so many years, in a variety of industries, I understand how a business advisor can make a meaningful and important difference to a business.
As your local business advisor I have two separate but connected roles:
One is to connect with the local business community with workshops and educational material, the other working with our clients.

Business Advisor
Working with clients on a Return-On-Investment (ROI) basis.
This means the income made by clients as a result of working with us must be at least a 5 times ROI. We believe fee structures should be transparent and accountable. For this reason we have proprietary software to ensure both client and advisor have an ROI “fit” before starting a program.

The objective of a client partnership is to meet agreed performance standards to:
Maximise client income…
Rationalise client effort…
Optimise client scale…
Promoting Locals

Every one of our consultants lives in a local community and drives past hundreds of businesses every day.
Every one of our consultants lives in a local community and drives past hundreds of businesses every day.
Since TAN was established in 2014 we have met, promoted and helped thousands of local businesses with this program. Help has taken many forms from Free PR where businesses are promoted on our social media platforms through to assessing businesses for profit potential. Often business owners will simply want a few pointers from an outside perspective.
All our consultants do this on a voluntary basis as their contribution to building business success.
Planning Sessions
Quarterly Planning

- Every business owner needs to step away from the day-to-day running of their business to think about longer-term issues and opportunities.
- Often the best environment for this is with other business owners who are faced with the same challenge of balancing their operational role with their longer-term role of leading and managing their business towards its goals.
- Quarterly Planning Sessions make this easy where business owners are provided with a structured format to build their plan.
- All planning sessions feature our signature 1-Page Plan that lists out 3 core projects for the upcoming quarter and a scoreboard for monitoring results over the period being planned for.
- Business Owners are provided with a workbook and planning guide to ensure they walk out clear, focused and ready to achieve the projects they have set.
Free Guide Book

If you want to find the easiest way to generate success in your business using the best techniques to get there, then the Guidebook will show you how.
Trusted Advisor Network

I am a proud member of the TRUSTED ADVISOR NETWORK.
I work with many incredibly talented coaches from Australia and New Zealand.
Our past 18 years in the advisory space has been the catalyst for developing our break-through approach.
Our programs are only offered to clients on an ROI basis after businesses have been analysed to determine the upside available to the business owner. Businesses must demonstrate a 500% ROI to be eligible for a program. This approach has been developed after years of in-field experience of being consultants, coaches, trainers and presenters.
Most importantly, over the last 12 years TAN has developed a deep understanding of working with business owners from every industry imaginable.
It has allowed us to continually develop leading methodologies, systems and intellectual property that makes up our program material. The synergy of working in partnership with our team along with such diverse clients has given us a collaborative culture that has become the most valuable part of the way we operate as a network.
Courses + Programs
Coaching Programs &
Short Term Courses for Business Owners...
Premium Programs
Ideal Business Program
The Foundations Program will teach you the fastest way to grow your business with best-practise systems.
It’s like an MBA for business owners using your business as the case study. All content has been field tested over a decade and represents the best method of getting fast, tangible and bankable results for business owners. No matter how large or small the business, the owner will benefit and learn from the curriculum.
1:1 Coaching Program
Our premium programs are operated
one-on-one with our clients either in-person or on Zoom (depending on logistics and selection of premium program).

Starter Program
- Includes all parts of the Foundation Program (curriculum above)
The program also provides once a month Strategy Session to provide advice, answer questions, problem solve, trouble shoot, check progress and develop opportunities
Bronze Program is perfect for businesses with 1-3 team members
Plus Program
- Many business owners will need an intensive program to address the many issues and opportunities that arise from running their business.
- The program provides a comprehensive strategy session twice a month to assist with progress and growth.
- The Plus Program gives a high level of communication between client and advisor outside of the session times as required.
- The program also has full access to the Foundations Curriculum as described above.
- Silver Program is perfect for businesses with 3-30 team members as there is extra focus on the team.
Professional Development Program
Today’s environment for recruiting and retaining team members is a very different one compared to years gone by.
All business owners have no choice but to deal with the skills shortage, the cost-of-living crisis and mental health issues. These are over and above the usual management challenges of ensuring a stable work-force with team members that perform the required duties of their role.
Being able to have a trusted advisor to operate a Professional Development program allows business owners to focus on performance while ensuring the team are being provided for as well. The program gives each member of the team tools and training to understand how to utilise their personal strengths and attributes, together with how to maintain high levels of motivation and performance.

Short Term Courses
Scale Your Talent
- Building your team with the best people using the 9 attraction tools
- Establishing job descriptions, procedures and scoreboards for monitoring your team
- Templating for ads, pre-screening, interviewing, inductions and performance reviews
Sharpen Your Margins
- Calculating the degree of ‘Margin Squeeze’ in your business with how to fix it immediately
- Assessing your pricing system and implementing key strategies to boost your profitability
- Analysing your cash flow and identifying the tactics to unblock the cash in your business
Master Your Marketing
- Utilising your networks (including your clients) for referrals, alliances and JVs
- Establishing an online presence even if you’re not a marketer
- Generating high quality clients from your online presence and social platforms
Upsize Your Sales
- Developing your influence skills to convert clients into high value services
- Building a sales pipeline with techniques that create professional authority for you
- Handling objections and overcoming price resistance with simple to use scripts
The Alignment Session
- Together we’ll build your personalised plan for the goals you have for your business.
- Reviewing your pricing and services suite with your staffing and systemising needs.

The Hourly Rate Challenge

- These are fortnightly 90-minute intensives that establish the fundamentals of your business in 6 specialised sessions.
- The 6 sessions include topics such as The Time Audit, The Price Play, The Leader Profile each designed to provide you with actionable tasks for rapid results.
- The results from these 6 sessions will easily pay for the 12-month program.
Get in touch for more details...
Premium Workshops for Business Owners...
- R E - F O C U S on what Your Business owes you...
- R E - E N E R G I Z E with other owners solving business challenges
- R E - C O M M I T to Building Your Ideal Business with Income, Freedom & Scale
Planning Session
Quarterly Planning
Boost Your Business over the next 90 days...
- Solutions for your burning issues
- Compare how others are solving it
- Complete a plan to get it fixed in 90 days

To build an ‘Ideal Business’ means getting to work on 9 Key Projects in your business where money is either made, or lost…
So! In this Strategy Session...
- We’ll unpack the 9 Key Projects… so you know what each of them are
- You’ll choose the top 3… that will give you the best improvements
- You’ll walk out with a Workbook… that includes the strategies to work on
For your team
Team Workshops
When we chat to business owners about their team, this is what we hear…
- The team's a bit up and down, sometimes they’re engaged, sometimes not so much…
- There’s definitely a few issues that would be great to sort out, but everyone’s always so busy…
- It would be really great to get everyone motivated, on the same page and working together…
Many say that they know they’ve got a good team, but would really benefit from getting together to work on the business as a team. Team Talk does this making your business smoother to run and a better place to work…
So why do we do these?
Because we know it’s easier to have an outsider do this for you and you never know what opportunities will come out of this discussion.

Here's how it works...
” They ran a 90 minute workshop that got my team engaged. Everyone got a workbook with exercises that had my staff thinking and talking about my business”
“The whole workshop was facilitated and all I had to do was show up with my team!”
Profit Analysis
Business Optimiser
To help business owners answer these questions, we've purpose-built a software app to get answers...
We call it The Business Optimizer. And here’s the reaction we’ve had from business owners so far…
“The number in ‘Productivity’ showed us $29,300 available over 12 months… in 8 months we’ve already found $58,600″
“It came up with 174k which sounded a bit high… We’ve introduced several strategies that have us on track for $274k in the first year”
Those are the clean ones…. others included “holy <#*?@%&*:> really?”
You get the picture…

4 Questions that make finding out a good idea...
- How much money should I actually be making out of my business right now?
- What income is possible from my business or is this as good as it gets?
- What size does it need to be in order to make the money I want?
- What else should I be doing in my business to improve it from where it is now?
Strategy Session
Four Futures
An IDEAL Business will provide you with ALL THREE of these...
- Solid Income: so you're well paid for what you do
- Time Freedom: so you're not tied to your business
- Enough Scale: so it looks like the right size of business you had in mind

To build an ‘Ideal Business’ means getting to work on 9 Key Projects in your business where money is either made, or lost…
So! In this Strategy Session...
- We’ll unpack the 9 Key Projects… so you know what each of them are
- You’ll choose the top 3… that will give you the best improvements
- You’ll walk out with a Workbook… that includes the strategies to work on